Thursday, April 30, 2020

Welcome to The Decentralized Intelligence Portal


It is a means by which to share critical information.

The name is analogous to the central intelligence agencies of the government. You know, all the alphabet agencies like the FBI, CIA, NSA, DHS, etc.

The purpose of the portal will soon become clear. I will explain my quick decision to move forward with this project at the very end of this brief communication

The information I will soon share via the portal will lift the veil on all the alphabet agencies. This "decentralized" version of intelligence is in direct opposition to those of the central governments. I will also be sharing related topics of general interest as well.

Soon we will embark upon a journey in tracing the origins and family trees of these entities.

In the process, we will learn the truth and history of such agencies, and what their true missions are. I want to make this easy to follow for everyone.

The intelligence I am going to share is EARTH SHAKING
For this reason, I do not want to put too much out at once - at least to start with. As such, I will keep these initial posts as short as possible.

I know attention spans are short. That needs to change, and fast!

I'll leave it there for now.

My next DIP post will provide a brief overview of the TRIVIUM. Shortly thereafter, we will get the ball of objective truth rolling fast and hard. 

Please stay tuned-in to the Decentralized Intelligence Portal

Until next time...
  • Stay Informed
  • Stay Calm &
  • Stay Strong


Why again? Why now?

Because something very bad is unfolding right under our noses and no one is the wiser.

After great thought, I have made up my mind to move forward in sharing what I know to be true about the human condition.

That may be another bold statement but I stand firmly behind it. I am referring to the absolute truth about the world that we live in, as well as whom, and what controls it.

I have recently reviewed critical materials that I've had in my possession for years. This explosive material relates in part to the many works of Professor Carroll Quigley.

The in-depth information it reveals helps to explain our current situation. It proves beyond the shadow of a doubt why we find ourselves in this predicament, and how it was all made possible.

I know where this is all going. If you stick around, you will too!

Where do I get the courage to be so bold? 

My courage comes from knowledge, and being afraid of the right things. This courage is born of the existential risks, danger, and consequences that face us all if we remain in the dark.


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