Wednesday, May 20, 2020


From the WorldEconomic Forum's website, under Strategic Intelligence, one can easily find...

The Globalist Platform for Impact

The platform contains highly detailed maps, which appear to strive toward re-establishing a new global order and full-spectrum control. This is their ongoing mission.

Amidst what is clearly a systemic global collapse on multiple fronts, they have never been closer to realizing the full scope of their vision.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

America On The Brink (part 1)

“America on the Brink” is a series of short articles and mixed media. The aim of the series is to explore and shed light on the very serious challenges America faces both now and in the years ahead.

In part 1, I’m going to share what I am convinced is THE number one reason why America and the West find themselves on the brink of failure.

The Most Insidious Underlying Disease

What is it?  In short, FAKE MONEY!  Allow me to elaborate briefly.  We’ve all heard the phrase “Money is the Root of all Evil, right?  Well, that old saying is partially true.  Let me fix it as follows:
Fraudulent Money is The Root of All Evil.”

 “The singular cause of rampant corruption and pervasive evil in the world is born of central banks controlling and conspiring with governments who grant them monopolies to create an infinite supply of fraudulent money.”  
- A Common Sense American

Apart from the scandalous exploitation through those with a monopoly to fabricate it, money is perhaps the most essential tool of civilization.  In this sense, money is a necessary good and neither a form nor root of evil. 

Monday, May 4, 2020

Has America’s 2nd Civil War Already Begun?

Given current circumstances, I must further delay my systematic approach in revealing the true forces that steer our world.

Rest assured I will get around unpacking all that vital information.  In the interim, time is of the essence, compelling me to address matters that are far more urgent.

Conditions on the Ground Are Escalating

Besides the far larger battle against the many nefarious forces of global tyranny, America’s 2nd Civil War is turning hot.