Monday, November 16, 2020

On Heaven's Door or Hells?

 A hellish future is knocking very loudly at America's door these days.

Absurd levels of propaganda and misinformation have been thrust upon us by the media.  This repetitive onslaught has created a persistent and deeply entrenched cultural division that virtually guarantees extreme unrest, if not an outright Civil War.  

The stakes could not be higher.  At risk is the fall of America and the freedoms that each of us takes for granted.  

Do not make the fatal error in assuming such freedoms will remain intact amid nor after this looming catastrophe. 

The continued irrational and over-the-top tyrannical responses to Covid continue to place freedom in a precarious state of CHECK.  

There is no mistaking that a predator class is bullying America and the world into permanent submission.

Furthermore, any denial of justice through contemptuous refusals to follow the rule of law in this hotly contested Presidential election might very well spell CHECKMATE for freedom.

We are living through a momentous time in the history of humankind.

I urge all of the good-hearted and rational people both on the left and the right not to take the probability of this looming catastrophe lightly.   

With Godspeed, for the sake of ourselves and our families, we must reject and transcend the media-programmed hatred.   

We need to think deeply before continuing to follow misguided mobs in clamoring for outcomes that will lead to our ultimate collective demise.

Instead, we must yield to the procedural rule of law outlined in the Constitution.

Just pray that sinister actors have not already captured the judicial process, for if they have, a Civil War will assuredly follow in due course. 

If there is to be any hope for reconciliation or civility in our future, the good people of America, and by extension, the world, deserve the truth, justice, and full transparency. 

What can we do?

First and foremost, we can evaluate the situation with deep thought, objectively, and critically. 

·        Be a healthy skeptic and question all voices of authority from every quarter. 

·        Educate yourself on the rule of law and the Constitution. 

·        Distinguish rumors, denials, and false allegations from facts to every extent possible. 

·        Do not be afraid to stand up for the truth and act upon what you believe in your heart to be the factual truth, right, and just.

There is More, Much More.

As painful as it is for most to accept, we were deceived folks, and rather thoroughly at that. I have been beating the drum on this for more than a decade. 

In one sense, I feel vindicated that the "conspiracies" are no longer theories; they are playing out in front of our eyes in real-time. On the other hand, I hoped it wouldn't have come to this. 

We are in the ENDGAME right now.

We are headed straight for an elongated crisis that will include a physical and spiritual war of biblical proportion. 

We are living through what is akin to a high-stakes blockbuster Hollywood espionage thriller. 

In effect, we are live "extra's" in this production.  We are programmed to take one side or the other. Sadly, the vast majority of us have taken the bait, hook, line, and sinker.

The rub for the egregious orchestrators of this nightmare production is that each of our actions will collectively determine the ending. 

Picture yourself in a movie theater engrossed in a complicated plot of intrigue as an edge-of-your-seat feature film unfolds.    

What do we do?  

We instinctively follow the narrative laid out by the screenwriters and root for the good guys (our team) to win. That's what they have engineered for us. 

By splitting the nation down the middle, the strategy of divide and conquer is playing out beautifully. We cannot let this happen.  

We, the people, are the ones in control at the end of the day. It all depends on us. If we stay divided and in the dark, we lose everything - ALL OF US. 

If we wake up to what's factually going on, we win. It's that simple.

Back to Reality

The key takeaway here is that we become aware of precisely what the actual plot is all about. It's not about Trump vs. Biden, nor is it about the left vs. the right. 

As you will learn upon absorbing the last two clips in this post, it is all about collectivism vs. individualism.

If you are sincerely interested in learning what the real underlying truth is, you will be compelled to watch these two clips in their entirety. 

If you have no such tolerance or interest in learning the truth, all I can do is pray for the lord to have mercy on your innocent and ignorance-ridden soul.  


Finally, if you believe in the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the rule of law, you can begin by signing a petition with over a quarter-million signatures and counting. 

The petition calls for defending the Constitution and the integrity of this historic and unprecedented election.

Keeping Trump in office, if he indeed deserves lawfully to be there, is NOT a long-term solution to this existential problem. 

Though, it is a start that will give us the much-needed time to effect justice and enact constitutional reforms that will revive the rightful and free republic we once knew as America.


In closing, I will leave you with a brief but thorough explanation of a mind-numbing reality, one which reveals age-old collectivist forces playing the long-game on both sides of the fence in this diabolical and never-ending quest for world domination.

I hope that sharing this information will empower you with the confidence of knowing the truth and that it removes all the programmed fear and hatred egregiously imposed upon us all.

May God have mercy on us all.

-A Common Sense American

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