Friday, November 13, 2020

Why are they so afraid of the Big Orange Wolf?

I realize this is might be a bit blunt, but I would be remiss to ignore speaking to the historic nature of the times in which we live. 

World events taking place as we speak, and what unfolds as a result in the coming months, is going to change the course of humanity for several generations to come.

On Trump

Perhaps the only thing I like about Trump is the fact that he has vehement enemies from every quarter of the swamp. 

From the mainstream media to the Republican Party RINO's, Neo-Cons, and establishment hacks of every stripe - everyone is afraid of and hates Donald.  Why? 

The most likely reason is that as bad as he may be, he is an angel in comparison to the outright treasonous criminals and their cronies at the helm of the deep state.  This illegal apparatus threw everything they had at him for 4-years, and they still could not frame him or blackmail him to any meaningful degree. 

Flawed as he is, Trump is the only one representing the overwhelming majority of honest people who want to drain the swamp once and for all and take the rightful ownership of their government back.

Will the Truth be redeemed?

Let's pray that the bad guys have not captured the Supreme Court Justices to such a blackmailable extent that the justices will collectively ignore the rule of law.  We will get the answer to that existential question in 2021 or sooner. 


The system is rotten to the core.  The people intuitively know that.  Sadly, the respective crime bosses, in large part, through outright propaganda, are playing the vast majority of good honest people to divide amongst their ranks and immovably side with either the blue or red crime families.

Who else is to blame?  

At the end of the day, as Jason so eloquently alludes, we each need to look in the mirror and recognize that our collective silence, trusting nature, and passive ways are, in part, responsible for allowing this multi-decade two-sided usurpation of America to take place.

Trump's biggest and best accomplishment is exposing the treason that has been eating away at the American fabric for several generations.  He has lifted the veil so high that it is now so overwhelmingly apparent to the naked eye that NO ONE can ignore it or sweep it under the rug.

Godspeed, America.

-A Common Sense American

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