Saturday, May 16, 2020

America On The Brink (part 1)

“America on the Brink” is a series of short articles and mixed media. The aim of the series is to explore and shed light on the very serious challenges America faces both now and in the years ahead.

In part 1, I’m going to share what I am convinced is THE number one reason why America and the West find themselves on the brink of failure.

The Most Insidious Underlying Disease

What is it?  In short, FAKE MONEY!  Allow me to elaborate briefly.  We’ve all heard the phrase “Money is the Root of all Evil, right?  Well, that old saying is partially true.  Let me fix it as follows:
Fraudulent Money is The Root of All Evil.”

 “The singular cause of rampant corruption and pervasive evil in the world is born of central banks controlling and conspiring with governments who grant them monopolies to create an infinite supply of fraudulent money.”  
- A Common Sense American

Apart from the scandalous exploitation through those with a monopoly to fabricate it, money is perhaps the most essential tool of civilization.  In this sense, money is a necessary good and neither a form nor root of evil. 

We earn it through our time, creativity, effort, and labor.  Money then enables us to transact with others, plan for our futures, acquire valuable assets, provide security for our families, and live upstanding lives with pride and dignity.
The following presentation is essential viewing in understanding the most important element in our lives. 

Money; Where Does It Come From?

Why Fake Money Causes Such Problems
The easiest way for me to begin answering that would be in the form of a list. The following are some of the many ways that an unbound limitless supply of debt-based currency (FAKE MONEY) might bring America and the West to its knees:

  • With a limitless supply of currency from Central Banks, governments can grow larger and larger, assigning themselves perpetual tyrannical powers.

  • By way of Central Banks, governments can finance endless Wars with an unlimited supply of currency.

  • Unlimited supplies of Central Bank currency lead to governments mounting unsustainable levels of debt, which ends up the liability of its citizens – not the government.

  • Central Banks around the world have financed both sides of every War.

  • Central Banks are in league with Wall Street. Both work hand-in-hand peddling power and influence across every realm of political power, the populace, and the economy.

Perhaps most importantly...

  • The fraudulent, deceitful, and fictitious nature of limitless central bank currency has incentivized and continues to reward unimaginable levels of corruption throughout governments, corporations, foundations, lobby groups, Ngo’s, and institutions of every stripe.

  • The corruption and collateral damage fostered by the Federal Reserve System has tangentially served to dismantle the Constitution, its balance of powers, and replaced it with a lawless Technocracy of experts who dictate policy to political puppets globally.

  • Limitless debt-based currency requires endless exponential growth and expansion in a world with finite resources.  This has negatively affected our ecosystems around the world.  This is another key reason why the current monetary and economic system is unsustainable.

  • Another reason is the technological advances it has brought.  The endless rapid economic growth required to keep this FAKE MONEY system afloat has caused too rapid an advancement in technology.  Humans cannot keep up with - let alone process the changes and speed at which technology is advancing.  We may never understand or realize the impact, negative consequences, and collateral damage that too rapid technological advancement is causing.

I trust part 1 gives us a start in the right direction before we continue on our rapid-fire journey towards uncovering the objective truth of what’s behind the growing chaos in our world.

In closing, thank you for your indulgence. Please let me know if you enjoyed or got something of value from part 1 in the comment section.

Until next time...

- A Common Sense American

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