Given current circumstances, I must further delay my systematic approach in revealing the true forces that steer our world.
Rest assured I will get around unpacking all that vital information. In the interim, time is of the essence, compelling me to address matters that are far more urgent.
Conditions on the Ground Are Escalating
Besides the far larger battle against the many nefarious forces of global tyranny, America’s 2nd Civil War is turning hot.
Opposing political narratives are speeding throughout American culture. Protests are spreading. Mistrust of mainstream news and government imposition is ballooning in exponential fashion.
People are losing their patience. With the rapid transfer of information, the masses are beginning to realize that the fear imposed upon them might be tactical in nature.
All across the world, the war is going hot between the forces of good and evil. Both sides of this divide believe they are on the side of the righteous. One side is wrong.
As if battling the larger war was not difficult enough, America must also contend with crippling internal strife. A virulently divided nation will make fighting the larger war that much more difficult.
The strategic arrival of the Coronavirus has emboldened (wittingly or unwittingly) those aligned with the tyrannical forces of global domination and control.
Thus far, the tactic of locking down humanity into a submissive state of learned helplessness has worked brilliantly!
At present, the diabolical effectiveness of this strategic maneuver has placed America and the entire world in a state of “CHECK.” Victory and “CHECKMATE” is a few short steps away.
As such, each of us must think fast, long, and hard about which side of this fight we take. Once we do, we must rise to the occasion in our own defense, and in defense of the billions like us.
We must do so fast as time is running out to counter the masterful move of “CHECK” that has been imposed upon us.
If we are successful in narrowing our internal divides, we then have a fighting chance at winning the larger war – the war against tyranny and control of humankind.
Which Country is Best Suited to Winning the Larger War?
America is the only nation on the
planet capable of mustering the wherewithal to defeat the nefarious tyranny of
global domination.
Whether it is actually true or
not, there is an overwhelming belief embedded in the hearts and minds of people
around the world. It is the belief that
America is not only the land of opportunity but also the land of the FREE and
home of the BRAVE.
What sets it apart besides the sheer might of its military? America's founding principles are what set it apart.
America is the last bastion of hope from which to salvage freedom for not only itself but also by example, for the whole of humanity.
YES! A Global Economic Reset is Long Overdue
The trillion-dollar question remains; how should the coming reset occur, under what conditions, and with what aim?
Over the last century, democrats and republicans were complicit in enabling varied nefarious forces to infiltrate and infect American culture. These forces have usurped the American Constitution, its ideals, and its principles.
If we can all agree upon that one simple and unequivocal fact, we can do amazing things. For starters, we can stop venting our frustrations and hatred toward political parties, and opposing ideologies. We can stop blaming politicians, and most importantly, we can stop hating and fighting with each other.
All that requires is a simple level of
intelligence and understanding. With it, we can
harness the extraordinary creative power that emanates dynamically through the
freedom of liberal thought coupled with that of conscientious conservative
Common Ground
The following are suggestions for 12 common rally points. I suspect many if not all are universal. I would consider all such universal grounds Non-Negotiable
amid the coming RESET.
Together, rational Liberals and Conservatives need to establish and agree upon a list of universal demands. All such common ideals will then be required to be part of any RESET doctrines.
Short of doing so, an imposed RESET by government dictatorial decree WILL HAPPEN. The minority who may celebrate such tyranny will come to regret their wishes in due course.
I would propose something like the
- Return to a strict adherence to all the founding documents, which state clearly the natural law of the land.
- Reestablish an actual, functioning separation of governmental powers.
- Abolish the Federal Reserve System.
- Restate and redefine Wall Street’s purpose while returning to an honest and sound monetary system as the Constitution states clearly.
- Retract and Repeal all laws and executive orders not in accordance with the founding documents.
- Eliminate the elevated status of the political class by removing all self-granted exclusive benefits and incentives associated therewith.
- Abolish and restrict politically driven lobbies, foundations, Ngo’s, special interest groups, and all other entities visible or hidden capable of influencing the business of governing the nation.
- Abolish and restrict all unconstitutional and non-essential government programs and agencies.
- Restrict all public-private partnerships, relationships, and the secret sharing of sensitive information between private corporations and the government.
- The government should not have any hand in running or managing any facet of the economy nor in working with private companies or intelligence agencies to collect data on its citizenry without a legal warrant.
- Abolish and restrict the ability of Foundations, Corporate Entities or Conglomerates (hidden or public) to monopolize, influence, censor, or control journalism, and all manner of public and social media.
- Enforce and revise (if necessary) all Election and Campaign Finance Laws. Assurance of a fair, transparent, and honest system of elected representation is vital to the success of a democratic Republic.
Of the two existing Evils, which is more likely to accommodate a RESET that the majority will welcome?
Which is more inclined to impose a forced dictatorial RESET against the will of the majority?
For the vast majority of rational intelligent liberals and conservatives who value their freedom and independence, the answer is clear.
Such clarity emerges simply as an outright rejection of the extremist socialist cancer that has metastasized throughout a large segments of the country and world.
It was easier for this faction of anti-American ideology to infiltrate and capture greater portions of the Democratic Party.
This is no way implies the Republican Party is innocent from the very same charge of enablement.
As such, the clear choice does not manifest because of the virtues associated with Donald Trump or the Republican Party.
As mentioned, the Republican Party is also complicit in the betrayal of America. After all, Donald Trump is a Big Business and Wall Street proponent. Indulge me as I play devil's advocate for my rational liberal friends. (not socialists.)
He talks a great game about making America
great again for the average Joe. To his
credit, he did manage to make significant progress on that and other fronts.
However, remaining cloaked beneath
the foundation of such success were the ever-present hidden forces of evil
tearing at the fabric of American culture.
Early on in the crisis, he boldly stated at one of his daily briefings, “Don’t worry about the Stock Market, the Stock Market will take care of itself.”
Beyond such a rare moment of speaking with confidence, in the few briefings I’ve watched, Trump comes off as a go-along-to-get-along script-reading combative buffoon.
Insofar as this idea of 3-D Chess he’s playing as alluded to by a powerful benevolent force of secrecy called “Q” – come on, give me a break, people. No one is coming to save you. Not Donald Trump and certainly not the fantasy of “Q.”
Liberals and Conservatives alike have to fight this fight together. We all must take responsibility for our witting or unwitting complicity in playing along with the divide and conquer tactic.
If it were even possible at this stage, I for one do not want to go back to the Trump “normal” of January 2020. The system failed well before that. The global economy should have collapsed and reset back in the 2008-2009 financial crisis.
The central banking cartels bailed out Wall Street BIG TIME back then. They've since engineered a prolonged impotent recovery while doing nothing to address the root causes of that crisis.
In league with Wall Street, central banks then had the audacity to orchestrate yet another bubble - the one culminating in the most recent bust – with yet another MEGA BAILOUT for Wall Street.
Given Trump's affinity for gauging how well he's doing based on the Stock Market, it's fair to assume his proclivities and to whom he is beholden. His interests likely rest with that good ole boy's club - and you and I are not in it.
I will refrain from expanding to a similar extent regarding Biden or any of the other Democratic Party potentials. Biden is barely coherent, losing cognitive function rapidly, and enmeshed in controversies of his own making.
He is quite old, and his health appears impaired much in the same way Hillary’s
was in 2016. It would be pointless and disrespectful to further rail upon him despite
the fact that he may well deserve it.
So where does that leave us?
It leaves us with Trump - with one key difference. The electorate must demand a transitional reset by and for the people as part of a grand bargain.
Select members/groups of society must be present at the negotiating tables. Such agents will represent the interests of the people at every twist and turn.
Monumental and lasting decisions
of import will be up for consideration amid any such reset. That the self-governed
have a fairly represented and equal say in such, is paramount.
With that, I will start to wind this down with a supporting video presentation. I must first warn everyone that this is a Pro-Catholic, Pro-Life, Pro-Trump production. Please remain open-minded enough to look past such propaganda.
How did I react to it initially? When the Trump bias finally surfaced, I was put-off and nearly wrote the
whole production off as more of the same left/right BS.
What did I do next? I slept on it. Thereafter, upon careful
consideration, I had to concede the merit of its core message, especially
relative to the coming RESET and the fragile state of CHECK in which
we find ourselves.
To reiterate, I strongly disagree with the idea of Trump as savior and king. Of the two Evils, he is the one most
pliable and likely to reason with and to accept the demands of rational
liberals and conservatives.
Together, they must make him aware in the clearest of terms - that if the people vote him back in; it will come with big strings attached. The peoples’ strings - terms that articulate the specific demands of levelheaded liberals and conservatives alike.
With that, I will close. Enjoy the film (less the propaganda aspect, of course). I will do my best to keep you apprised of developments.
Until then...
Stay Informed,
Stay Calm, and
Stay Strong.
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