Wednesday, May 20, 2020


From the WorldEconomic Forum's website, under Strategic Intelligence, one can easily find...

The Globalist Platform for Impact

The platform contains highly detailed maps, which appear to strive toward re-establishing a new global order and full-spectrum control. This is their ongoing mission.

Amidst what is clearly a systemic global collapse on multiple fronts, they have never been closer to realizing the full scope of their vision.
The Globalists are not only prepared, but they are also active in the soft transition, have been for decades, and stand at the ready to take over fully in due course.

It's now all coming to a head in real-time right in front of our eyes.

Nothing is Hidden

The World Economic Forum make their views and aims readily available; however, you never hear about this in the mainstream media. 

One has to go out of their way to look specifically for the details of their agenda.

Thereafter, it is very easy to see how their initiatives are greatly influencing and steering local governments, societies, and cultures across the globe.

Writing on The Wall

The prospect of collapse and reset has been approaching for decades.  The inevitability of such was clearly an epic failure of the elite power brokers' very own creation.

Was it all just a grand series of accidental errors over the years, or was such a failure part of a bigger long-term strategy?  That question remains a mystery.

With practical foreknowledge of inevitable collapse, it appears COVID became a rather convenient accelerant for globalists to make their big CHECKMATE move.
They have done so, and now the entire world finds itself in a state "CHECK."

The Resistance?

I'm not sure if efforts such as the one in this video will be effective or not. Gosh, it could very well be a scam for all I know - or even a controlled opposition psychological operation of sorts. That’s how skeptical I’ve become of everything these days. Having said that, I’d like to believe the following is a sincere grassroots effort.

What I do know is that America has to do something about this. The longer we lay down like helpless sheep the sooner we’re going to see one of our leaders morph into a Hitler, Stalin, or Mao-like dictator.

If America stays on its current course, prospects of such are certain to emerge along with a hysterical populace that will in combination, end up killing millions upon millions of innocent people.

I have indeed signed up, reviewed, and confirmed the Strategic Intelligence section of the World Economic Forum's website. The level, depth, and complexity to which they detail their view of how the world should take shape are quite alarming, to say the least.

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